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OPEN NOW! Spring registration 25

Spring 2025 registration

Spring  registration is due February 22, 2025.   After the deadline, all athletes will go on a waitlist.


Spring Registration


St. Paul spring sports are open to boys and girls in grades 5-8 who attend St. Paul School or Religious Education at St. Paul.  The season runs March 17-May 22, with the final date depending on post season tournaments.  All participants must have a physical dated on or after April 15, 2024 on file with the athletic department along with the other required CYO documents, which can be found on the website.  If you submitted a physical and other required CYO documents in the fall or winter, you will be cleared to participate.


Teams will be selected based on ability and evaluations will take place in the first two weeks of the season.  Our goal is to offer each student athlete a place to participate.  If there are not enough registrations to fill a team, we will dissolve the team and offer a spot on our track team.  If there are too many registrations, we will  have to make cuts and offer a spot on our track team.


  • Baseball grades 5/6 & 7/8

  • Softball grades 5/6 & 7/8

  • Boys lacrosse grades 5/6 & 7/8 

  • Girls lacrosse grades 5/6 & 7/8 is not a CYO sport and will NOT be available this year.  Our coach has moved on to 313 lacrosse and many of his St. Paul players have followed him. 

  • Co-ed track grades 5-8

  • Girls tennis grades 5-8  


Track Co-Ed Grades 5-8 

Track teaches the rules, fundamentals, and skills of track.  Track will be in a CYO sanctioned league and will place a higher emphasis on strategies to win the meets, division, and CYO championship.  Track practices will be at University Liggett’s track. 

Cost is $180.00


Sports Grades 5-6

5-6 sports teach the rules, fundamentals, and skills of the sport.  5-6 sports will be in a CYO sanctioned league.  All athletes will participate in games but may not get equal playing time.

Cost is $180.00 for baseball, softball, tennis, track, and lacrosse.


Sports Grades 7-8

7-8 sports continue to teach the rules, fundamentals, and skills of the sport.  7-8 sports will be in a CYO sanctioned league.  7-8 sports will place a higher emphasis on strategies to win the game and division and prepare athletes for high school athletics.  Playing time is earned.

Cost is $180.00 for baseball, softball, tennis, track, and lacrosse.


Girls Tennis Grades 5-8

Tennis teaches the rules, fundamentals, and skills of tennis.  Tennis is a non-CYO sanctioned league and will practice and compete at the Grosse Pointe Academy.  All athletes will participate in matches but may not get equal playing time.

Cost is $180.00


Troy Glasser

Athletic Director

Phone: 313-590-2975